Building Details
Height of the building: 15 mts + 2 mts parapet (G+4 including parapet wall)
Structure: M25 grade concrete for slabs, beams, and columns
Width of the common area: Wide opened lobby areas
Brands Used
Sanitary fittings: TOTO
Exterior Cladding & Finishes: EPS cladding finish with thermal insulation and fire resistance properties, Pentens water-resistant exterior grade paint
Paint in the unit: Asian Paints
Floor to ceiling height: 3.00 mts Floor to Floor
Thickness of interior wall and type of brick: 4-inch hollow Porotherm bricks from Wienerberger, Germany
Thickness of exterior wall: 4 Inch
Dimension of car park: 2.5 x 5.5 mts
Height of the window: 2.2 mts from FFL
Materials Used
Cement: Ramco grade 43
Electrical fittings: Schneider switches
Main door and Bedroom door specification: Teak wood frame and engineered ply with veneer finish imported from Indonesia
Steel used in the structure: VRKP brand
Imported aluminium glass window thickness: 5MM Glass
PUTTY: Birla White
PRIMER: Asian Paints White
Tiles: Simpolo ceramics-Marble finished vitrified tile (800x1600)
Technology and Features
RCC structure or Mivan technology: RCC Structure
A/C point: One each in Bedroom and one in Living and Dining area
STP SIZE & number: One STP of 30 KLD
Lift size & brand: Kone Lifts of 8 passenger capacity, 6 nos
Corridors size: Corridor is minimized; only two units are connected with a corridor of 1.6 mts wide
CCTV number in project & brand: At Entrance and Exit, and as per requirement to cover in all directions
Water Provision
Depth of the foundation: Below ground level 1.8 mts
Bore well number & depth: Three Bore wells
Kaveri water provision & sump capacity: BWSSB connection will be availed; 10,000 ltrs capacity
Power Backup
DG backup for each flat (3BHK & 2BHK): 24 Hours
Waterproofing in wet areas: Pentens 007 and Pentens T-100
Hope this helps! If you have any other specifications or questions, feel free to let me know.Here you go! I've formatted the information with headings and points:
Building Details
Height of the building: 15 mts + 2 mts parapet (G+4 including parapet wall)
Structure: M25 grade concrete for slabs, beams, and columns
Width of the common area: Wide opened lobby areas
Brands Used
Sanitary fittings: TOTO
Exterior Cladding & Finishes: EPS cladding finish with thermal insulation and fire resistance properties, Pentens water-resistant exterior grade paint
Paint in the unit: Asian Paints
Floor to ceiling height: 3.00 mts Floor to Floor
Thickness of interior wall and type of brick: 4-inch hollow Porotherm bricks from Wienerberger, Germany
Thickness of exterior wall: 4 Inch
Dimension of car park: 2.5 x 5.5 mts
Height of the window: 2.2 mts from FFL
Materials Used
Cement: Ramco grade 43
Electrical fittings: Schneider switches
Main door and Bedroom door specification: Teak wood frame and engineered ply with veneer finish imported from Indonesia
Steel used in the structure: VRKP brand
Imported aluminium glass window thickness: 5MM Glass
PUTTY: Birla White
PRIMER: Asian Paints White
Tiles: Simpolo ceramics-Marble finished vitrified tile (800x1600)
Technology and Features
RCC structure or Mivan technology: RCC Structure
A/C point: One each in Bedroom and one in Living and Dining area
STP SIZE & number: One STP of 30 KLD
Lift size & brand: Kone Lifts of 8 passenger capacity, 6 nos
Corridors size: Corridor is minimized; only two units are connected with a corridor of 1.6 mts wide
CCTV number in project & brand: At Entrance and Exit, and as per requirement to cover in all directions
Water Provision
Depth of the foundation: Below ground level 1.8 mts
Bore well number & depth: Three Bore wells
Kaveri water provision & sump capacity: BWSSB connection will be availed; 10,000 ltrs capacity
Power Backup
DG backup for each flat (3BHK & 2BHK): 24 Hours
Waterproofing in wet areas: Pentens 007 and Pentens T-100