MLN Signature in Yelahanka

By MLN Constructions
49.11 L - 1.05 Cr *

Essential Information of MLN Signature

Property Type Flats
Project Location Yelahanka, Bengaluru
Bedroom(s) 2 & 3 BHK
Unit Sizes 860 - 1848 Sq.Ft
Price Range 49.11 L - 1.05 Cr (Base Price) *
Rate per Sqft 5,710
Total Land Area 1 Acres
No. of Units 64
Total Blocks 1
Total Floors Basement+Stilt+4 Floors
Possession Under Construction (Jul 2026)

Price of MLN Signature

Size (Sq.ft)
2 BHK Flats
860 - 1300
49.11 L - 74.23 L *
3 BHK Flats
1360 - 1848
77.65 L - 1.05 Cr *

About MLN Signature

Step into a world of modern luxury at MLN Signature in Yelahanka. MLN Constructions is thrilled to introduce this prestigious 2 & 3 BHK flat project, promising an unparalleled living experience. Nestled in the tranquil surroundings of Yelahanka, MLN Signature redefines contemporary living. Offering 2 & 3 BHK flats spanning 860 to 1848 square feet, it caters to all your needs. Spread across 1 acre, this oasis boasts a strategic location that provides seamless access to the city's major hotspots of the city. With only 64 exclusive units, you'll relish the privacy and exclusivity that's a rarity in today's market. Discover a lifestyle of luxury, convenience, and serenity.

MLN Signature Address

Address: Yelahanka, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560063, India

Amenities of MLN Signature

  • Swimming Pool
  • Indoor Games
  • Multipurpose Hall
  • Gym

MLN Signature Floor plans

Size in Sq.Ft
860 Sq.Ft
49.11 L*
1165 Sq.Ft
66.52 L*
1269 Sq.Ft
72.45 L*
1277 Sq.Ft
72.91 L*
1300 Sq.Ft
74.23 L*
1360 Sq.Ft
77.65 L*
1583 Sq.Ft
90.38 L*
1848 Sq.Ft
1.05 Cr*

Explore MLN Signature in Map

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EMI Calculator
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
  • Cost of Home

    49 L

  • Loan Amount

    24. L

  • Monthly EMI

  • Total Interest Payable

  • Total Amount Payable

    Principal + Interest

FAQs About MLN Signature Yelahanka

Where is MLN Signature located?

MLN Signature is located in Yelahanka, Bengaluru

What are the unit sizes available in MLN Signature?

Unit sizes of the MLN Signature ranges from 860 - 1848 Sq.Ft .

What is the price range of MLN Signature in Yelahanka, Bengaluru?

The price of MLN Signature ranges between 49.11 L - 1.05 Cr *.

How many units are available in MLN Signature?

There are about 64 units in this project.

What is the total area of MLN Signature?

MLN Signature Built across 1 Acres of land.

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