Jai Bharathi Signature in Kalkere

By Jai Bharathi Construction
51.97 L - 99.82 L *

Essential Information of Jai Bharathi Signature

Property Type Flats
Project Location Kalkere, Bengaluru
Bedroom(s) 2 & 3 BHK
Unit Sizes 945 - 1815 Sq.Ft
Price Range 51.97 L - 99.82 L *
Rate per Sqft 5,499
Total Land Area 0.57 Acres
No. of Units 54
Total Blocks Not Mentioned
Total Floors Not Mentioned
Possession Ready to Occupy

Price of Jai Bharathi Signature

Size (Sq.ft)
2 BHK Flats
945 - 1026
51.97 L - 80.57 L *
3 BHK Flats
1345 - 1815
73.97 L - 99.82 L *

About Jai Bharathi Signature

Jai Bharathi Construction has most dedicatedly raised each feature of this construction Jai Bharathi Signature and as a result it reflects some of the cosiest experiences that you would have never witnessed before. These apartments have been made out of fantastic units being a part of its wonderful collection of modern architects. Kalkere is where this flat is located among various useful public amenities. It has scope for both natural sceneries and well-advanced urban lifestyle. Benefits like multipurpose hall, gym, swimming pool, 24/7 security, kids’ play area and many others have been made a part of this massive land area.

Jai Bharathi Signature Address

Address: Kalkere, Bengaluru, Karnataka 563160, India

Amenities of Jai Bharathi Signature

  • Cycling & Jogging Track
  • Children's Play Area
  • Sewage Treatment Plant
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Multipurpose Hall
  • Intercom
  • CCTV
  • Closed Car Parking
  • Gymnasium
  • Swimming Pool
  • 24X7 Water Supply
  • Fire Sprinklers
  • Power Backup

Images of Jai Bharathi Signature

Jai Bharathi Signature Floor plans

Size in Sq.Ft
945 Sq.Ft
51.97 L*
1026 Sq.Ft
80.57 L*
1345 Sq.Ft
73.97 L*
1815 Sq.Ft
99.82 L*

Explore Jai Bharathi Signature in Map

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EMI Calculator
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
  • Cost of Home

    51 L

  • Loan Amount

    25. L

  • Monthly EMI

  • Total Interest Payable

  • Total Amount Payable

    Principal + Interest

FAQs About Jai Bharathi Signature Kalkere

Where is Jai Bharathi Signature located?

Jai Bharathi Signature is located in Kalkere, Bengaluru

What are the unit sizes available in Jai Bharathi Signature?

Unit sizes of the Jai Bharathi Signature ranges from 945 - 1815 Sq.Ft .

What is the price range of Jai Bharathi Signature in Kalkere, Bengaluru?

The price of Jai Bharathi Signature ranges between 51.97 L - 99.82 L *.

How many units are available in Jai Bharathi Signature?

There are about 54 units in this project.

What is the total area of Jai Bharathi Signature?

Jai Bharathi Signature Built across 0.57 Acres of land.

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